Whether you are a runner, Pelotoner, Crossfitter, a heavy lifter, a yogi, or just out there getting your sweat on.. A good pre and post-workout routine is essential to maintain overall health and stability. Plus, it’s a great way to prepare and reset your nervous system, as well as boosts your body’s resilience factor. Putting […]
Category Archives: Life
A Survey for Partners: Pregnancy + Postpartum Program Development
We need your help! We are in the process of developing several programs designed to support and prepare women and their families during pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and motherhood. In order to this, we need your feedback and experiences. The information you provide will help us tailor these programs to be effective and all encompassing of […]
A Survey for Moms: Pregnancy + Postpartum Program Development
We need your help! We are in the process of developing several programs designed to support and prepare women and their families during pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and motherhood. In order to this, we need your feedback and experiences. The information you provide will help us tailor these programs to be effective and all encompassing of […]
Let the Wild Rumpus Start: A Calm Before the Storm
A rare moment of calm and reflection before the wild rumpus starts. I’m proud I got this shot (even Watson looks surprised!). Usually neither of my kids sit still long enough to capture a moment like this. So I name this a victory for today! Here’s to all those small little victories that remind us of […]
7 Steps to Having an Empowering Birth Experience
There are so many things that can happen in the course of a labor and delivery. While we can’t always control the way our babies come into this world, there are steps we can take and preparations we can make to make sure that we are happy with the result. Educating yourself and being open […]
Self Care for the Soul: A Slow Dance with You
In a world where we are constantly on the move, when we’re rushing around from point A to B, its easy to forget how to slow down and move with fluidity and purpose. Sitting all day, lifting heavy bags, chasing after rug rats, shlepping luggage in and out of airplanes… life takes a toll on our […]
Know Your WHY: 24 Affirmations for Your True Purpose
Often in this busy hectic world, we find ourselves lost and veering off our true path or calling from time to time. For me, taking a moment to remind myself of my WHY is crucial to staying on my path and accomplishing the goals I’ve set for myself. Knowing our WHY is one of the most powerful influencers and motivators when setting […]
My New Year’s Resolution: Sweat the Small Stuff
I love the New Year. It’s chalked full of opportunity and potential. Throughout the course of a year so much can happen. Some years are marked with wonderful milestones while others remind us of the most vulnerable times in our lives. Some years, Ive been flying high, floating on air, feeling as if I’d accomplished […]
Getting My Groove Back at OMBE!
Hi Friends! I feel like its been forever since I’ve been in touch! A big thanks to everyone who checked in on us as our family welcomed our second daughter into the world. As we round the corner out of the “4th Trimester”, life with a 4 month old is a little easier. I’m thankful […]
It’s a Girl!!!
We are so excited to announce that we are going to be adding another girl to our family!! As week 18 creeped around the corner, we began to prepare ourselves for the possibility of adding a boy to our family. We discussed the necessity of a teepee and all the yellow and green onesies we […]