Ah, Fascia.. it’s the fabric of our lives.. literally. For many years (decades and centuries actually) fascia was considered just mere connective tissue. Its importance in our body was overlooked, med school teachers and students learning anatomy would toss it in the trash when dissecting cadavers! That was until a couple of years ago, when […]
What is Fascia? Why It Matters
Posted by Frances Sep 12, 2017 Anatomy, BODY, Fitness, Foam Rolling, Massage and Bodywork, massage gun, myofascial release, New Mama, Postpartum Recovery, Pregnancy, Products, Self Care, Wellness, Women's Health athlete, busy moms, ethletic injury, fascia, headache relief, headaches, hip pain, hydration, injury prevention, low back pain, massage gun, migraine relief, migraines, myofascial release, myofascial release boston, New Mom, old injury pain, pain after babies, pain management, pelvic pain, postpartum, Postpartum Self-Care, quick and easy pain relief, rehab from injury, self care for busy moms, self myofascial release, theragun Leave a Comment